ONG Humanos vs Inteligencia Artificial



Invitation to the First International Congress on Ethics and Regulation in the use of Artificial Intelligence.

Invitation to the First International Congress on Ethics and Regulation in the use of Artificial Intelligence.
October 2024. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It is necessary to propose an ethical use of Artificial Intelligence, regulating it based on legal and social norms.


That is why we invite NGOs, creators of technology, software, hardware, lawyers, ethicists, programmers, systems engineers, businessmen, teachers, journalists, sociologists, etc.


The mandate is to regulate Artificial Intelligence content that should not be eliminated in the future.

New global challenge:

Apparently, Artificial Intelligence will make many professions evolve, however we still do not know what the scope will be. That is why it is necessary to agree on behaviors so that governments, organizations and companies around the world can be advised on the impact of A.I. in intellectual property law, ethics and new technologies; among others.

"Faced with the serious risk posed by the development of Artificial Intelligence technology that is misused, intentionally or accidentally; spreading false information, fraud, destabilizing elections or governments and ultimately causing harm, pain and fear in people; The NGO Humans vs Artificial Intelligence (Humanos vs Inteligencia Artificial), takes the risk of making an invitation to all those who consider the ethical use of this technology and normative regulation, both legally and socially, positive.

Dr. Javier Miglino. Founder of Humans vs Artificial Intelligence.
      (ONG Humanos vs Inteligencia Artificial)

Mail to:


I want to participate in the First Congress on Ethics and Regulation of A.I.
Attach name of the organization or company.

In the case of natural persons, CV.


Alerta en Buenos Aires, Argentina por un joven que desnudó chicas con ClotOff.

El software ClotOff que desnuda chicas es un verdadero peligro.